Come... in here, stories are told. Like once upon a time, when the first shaman returned from a journey into a non-ordinary reality and told about wondrous, secret things, my stories are shared not merely to entertain.
These stories are related to discover the blueprint of life itself. As a writer, I bring stories that extend beyond our everyday existence into the dimensions of dreaming and dying. As a hypnotherapist, I can help you to unlock your own stories: where you come from, who you are, and what the purpose of your life is... |
The Deeper Meaning of Stories
Stories have been told since times immemorial...
Once upon a time, so I imagine, a shaman returned from a journey into non-ordinary realities and began to tell the adventure. The tribe - sitting around the fire freshly stolen from the gods - listened with eyes wide open. They sensed that they were hearing something important, not some make-believe tale but a revelation about life itself.
Once upon a time, so I imagine, a shaman returned from a journey into non-ordinary realities and began to tell the adventure. The tribe - sitting around the fire freshly stolen from the gods - listened with eyes wide open. They sensed that they were hearing something important, not some make-believe tale but a revelation about life itself.
These days, stories are often belittled as mere entertainment or some form of escapism. Many times, I hear people asking: "Wasn't this just my imagination?" - to which I like to answer: "Yes, it was. But why would you use the word just? Isn't imagination the greatest of all human faculties? Without it, there would be no art, no science, no culture, no civilisation..."
"God made man because He likes stories" Elie Wiesel said and with that, I believe, he touched upon one of the greatest truths ever. Those who suffered an accident or an illness that brought them into the state of clinical death from which they were resuscitated (i.e. had a so called near-death or temporary-death experience) frequently report that in the moment of death life stops being a story: even though consciousness does not cease to exist, the experience remains ineffable, as it is something outside our normal, story-telling template which works within the coordinates of time and space.
"Psychology is ultimately mythology, the study of the stories of the soul." |
In archetypal psychology, we can see that not only our mythologies, stories, and dreams but most importantly our lives unfold along a pattern that is best known as the 'hero's journey.' Life indeed is a fairy tale and here, we must not only think about the happily ever after but all the challenges and tests we have to bravely face during the adventure. It is not meant to be easy but if we learn to live like heroes instead of being victims or playing supportive roles, we can turn every problem and devastation into a worthy challenge. During this process, a deep secret of our human existence unfolds: even our smallest thoughts, feelings, and decisions influence how reality unfolds.
I work with stories on multiple levels and in different forms:
- As a creative writer, I tell those stories which come to me from the non-physical realms that all touch upon a deeper understanding of our human condition as well as the ultimate nature of reality. They are stories in the genre of "metaphysical fiction" and touch upon some of the greatest questions: What is the meaning of our lives? How does consciousness evolve? How does life go on in the eternal cycle of lives upon lives, deaths upon deaths?
- As a hypnotherapist, I examine stories that govern our lives, often from within the unconscious. Sometimes, our inner narratives reach back deep into our personal mythology of origin and into the karmic past. We explore them in order to find patterns: negative patterns (which no longer serve us) to be changed and positive ones to be strengthened to ensure the highest path of the future. By exploring the stories of our past, present and future, we can:
- reframe negative stories,
- turn weaknesses into strengths,
- reclaim our personal power, dormant energies, and forgotten abilities,
- identify and learn to live our purpose.
- As a consciousness researcher, I collect and study real-life stories which teach us about the nature of consciousness. I have seen and experienced many times (seemingly) impossible things to happen. These leading-edge cases of human experience suggest that reality is multidimensional: consciousness can
- exist out of the body,
- experience various non-ordinary realities,
- survive death, and
- return again into life.
The number of reported cases conserning out-of-body and near-death experiences, children remembering past lives, and other spiritually transformative events are too high for us to ignore them. It has become a call of our times to develope a science of consciousness to enable a study into these areas. This new science of the mind must be based on a different assumption than our currently mainstream materialist science. Consciousness can only be studied in any useful way if we assume that it is not matter (i.e. the brain) which produces consciousness but it is consciousness (the mind) which brings forth matter.
"I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative of consciousness." |

I have learned through observing the workings of consciousness that the world we live in is a truly magical place. It responds to changes we create in the inner world of our thoughts, sentiments, and energies, for we are, in essence, the same consciousness that is the fundamental base of all-there-is. We are the creator as well as the created.
We live in a reality born in our imagination...
welcome to a universe of wonder!
If anything on this site catches your interest, I'll be happy to hear from you.
With love and all my best wishes,
We live in a reality born in our imagination...
welcome to a universe of wonder!
If anything on this site catches your interest, I'll be happy to hear from you.
With love and all my best wishes,