- Metanoia. A Course in Self-Development, Bibliotheca Aeterna, 2014. (Non-Fiction)
- Allies Eternal. A Metaphysical Account, 2015. (A Novel. Sequel to "Anima Mundi")
- Anima Mundi. Bibliotheca Aeterna, 2013. (A Novel)
- Verliebt in den Teufel (In Love with the Devil), Bibliotheca Aeterna, 2013. (A Novel in German)
- Tűz varázsol, víz varázsol (Fire Magic, Water Magic), Révai Digitális Kiadó, 2015.
(Hungarian Translation of "Jenseits all dessen")
- Jenseit all dessen (Beyond our World), Bibliotheca Aeterna, 2013 (A Novel in German)
- Allies Eternal. A Metaphysical Account, 2015. (A Novel. Sequel to "Anima Mundi")
- Anima Mundi. Bibliotheca Aeterna, 2013. (A Novel)
- Verliebt in den Teufel (In Love with the Devil), Bibliotheca Aeterna, 2013. (A Novel in German)
- Tűz varázsol, víz varázsol (Fire Magic, Water Magic), Révai Digitális Kiadó, 2015.
(Hungarian Translation of "Jenseits all dessen")
- Jenseit all dessen (Beyond our World), Bibliotheca Aeterna, 2013 (A Novel in German)
Selected Online Articles
- One Thing We Need to Survive Crisis, Loss, and Trauma
- Can you Make Your Brain Fall out of Love?
- An Ancient School of Lucid Dreaming
- How the Remote Senoi Tribes Use Dreams for Personal Growth
- Can you Make Your Brain Fall out of Love?
- An Ancient School of Lucid Dreaming
- How the Remote Senoi Tribes Use Dreams for Personal Growth
Journal Articles and Scholarly Essays
- 2023, Reincarnation and the Simulation Hypothesis - Lessons from Past Life Regression Therapy
about the Usefulness of a Consciousness-Based Paradigm, Paper presented at the Science of Consciousness Conference, 22-27 May, Taormina, Sicily, Italy.
about the Usefulness of a Consciousness-Based Paradigm, Paper presented at the Science of Consciousness Conference, 22-27 May, Taormina, Sicily, Italy.
- 2021, 'From Individual to Collective Shadow Work in Past Life Regression Therapy', Paper presented to the Global Integral Awakens Conference, 21-23 May, 2021 in Siófok, Hungary
(Postponed due to Pandemic Restrictions)
(Postponed due to Pandemic Restrictions)
- 2019, 'Ancient Webs, Modern Webs, World Wide Webs', in Hunter, J (ed), Greening the Paranormal: Exploring the Ecology of Extraordinary Experience. White Crow Productions, Chapter 9.
- 2017, 'Therapeutic and Evolutionary Implications of Retrocognitions (Past Life Regressions)' Paper presented ar the 2nd International Congress on Consciousness, 19-21 May, 2017 in Miami, Florida, USA.
- 2013, 'New Methods for a New Science: Epistemological Considerations for a Consciousness-Based Paradigm', Journal of Consciousness, vol. 18, Issue 60, p. 643. -(Award-winning paper at the 3rd Integral European Conference, 22-27 May, 2018, Siófok, Hungary)
- 'Wie gerecht ist Recht? – Über die San und deren Rechte auf traditionelles Wissen' (How Just is the Law? About the San and their Rights to Traditional Knowledge), Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker, Austria, Nr. 2/ June 2006.
- 'Suppressed Hunger, Suppressed Rights', Ph.D. thesis, University of Vienna, Austria, 2005.
- The Legal Status of Tibet, University of Dublin.
- 2004, 'Globale Patentrechte an Pflanzen', Journal für Entwicklungspolitik , vol. XX, No. 1-2004, pp. 21-32.
- 'Länderteil Ungarn' (Country Hungary) with Doralt/Ramakrishnan in: Darleder/Knops/Bamberger (Hrsg.), Handbuch zum deutschen und europäischen Bankrecht (Handbook of German and Austrian Banking Law), Springer Verlag, 2004, pp. 1923-1939.
- 'Internationale Handelsschiedsgerichtsbarkeit in Ungarn' (International Commercial Arbitration in Hungary) , FOWI- Arbeitspaper Nr. 100, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Dec. 2003.
- 'Verträge in Handelsbeziehungen zwischen Österreich und Ungarn' (Commercial Contracts between Austria and Hungary), with Bárdos, FOWI- Arbeitspapier Nr. 91, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Oct. 2002.