Seven Spiritual Lawsthat Govern the Universe
1. Law of Oneness (Interconnectedness)
The nature of reality is one. Everything in creation is interconnected - what is without, is within us also. The nature of the consciousness that created the universe is the same consciousness we possess as human beings, therefore we are creators also. There is no difference between God and Self. Since everything is interconnected, we cannot do anything to others without doing it to ourselves. Creation and the fate of the universe depends on our choices and decisions, which therefore matter immensely. |
2. Law of Correspondence (As Above So Below)
The same laws apply to the world of miniscule things, as well as to the world of great magnitudes. The same laws apply in the spiritual world as in the physical world. Therefore, if we learn something in any realm of reality, we can apply it everywhere else, too.
3. Law of Change (Vibration and Frequency. Rhythm. Perpetual Transmutation)
Nothing in the world remains the same. Everything has a vibration and a frequency, which permanently changes, one thing transmuting into another, one energy changing into another. Permanence is an illusion, to which if we cling, we only cause ourselves suffering. It's wise to learn about and use the rhythms of change, so we can also change our state always towards something better.
The same laws apply to the world of miniscule things, as well as to the world of great magnitudes. The same laws apply in the spiritual world as in the physical world. Therefore, if we learn something in any realm of reality, we can apply it everywhere else, too.
3. Law of Change (Vibration and Frequency. Rhythm. Perpetual Transmutation)
Nothing in the world remains the same. Everything has a vibration and a frequency, which permanently changes, one thing transmuting into another, one energy changing into another. Permanence is an illusion, to which if we cling, we only cause ourselves suffering. It's wise to learn about and use the rhythms of change, so we can also change our state always towards something better.
4. Law of Karma (Cause and Effect. Compensation)
As things change, causes and effects are set in motion. Every action we ever take, produces effects. Therefore we can never escape the results of our actions. "As you sow so shall you reap," says the proverb. For positive actions there is always a compensation. |
5. Law of Attraction (Like Attracts Like)
In a universe of different vibrations and frequencies like attracts like. We can use this powerful law to change the quality of our lives. By beginning to think more positive thoughts and feel better feelings, we can begin to attract more positive things and people into our lives. It is often through the application of this law that people in every-day life realise who powerful they actually are in creating their own reality. Like the law of karma, it reminds us of our responsibility for shaping our own and the universal destiny. 6. Law of Polarity (Gender. Yin and Yang. Balance within yourself) The universe is set in motion by opposing forces. For personal growth, it is important to find the polar opposites within ourselves and integrate them into our evolving personality. Jung called the female part within a man's psyche the anima, and the male part within a woman's psyche the animus. |
We become whole by becoming aware and embracing our opposites. This is particularly true to the part of ourselves which Jung called the shadow: suppressed elements of the psyche we do not want to acknowledge, either because we judge them as evil or because they would render us more powerful, more creative and more responsible than we are comfortable with. A soon as we befriend the shadow, it begins to work on our behalf.
7. Law of Evolution
Creation is an ongoing process, and we ourselves are part of it. Our consciousness is acting on behalf of the cosmic consciousness, in order to explore all possibilities of creation. Like a giant universal computer program, we live from life to life to check all possibilities against every contrast imaginable, so consciousness can evolve towards higher and higher planes. The ultimate goal of our life, and the existence of the universe, is to find perfect happiness.
7. Law of Evolution
Creation is an ongoing process, and we ourselves are part of it. Our consciousness is acting on behalf of the cosmic consciousness, in order to explore all possibilities of creation. Like a giant universal computer program, we live from life to life to check all possibilities against every contrast imaginable, so consciousness can evolve towards higher and higher planes. The ultimate goal of our life, and the existence of the universe, is to find perfect happiness.