The Remaining Beehive Stones (kaptárkövek) at Diósd
Having explored the "Beehive Stones" around Little Viciente in the Northern Highlands for a while now, it also came to my attention that some can be found near Budapest, on the Tétényi-highland, in the sacred Pilis, as well as in the Vértes Mountains. Today we went to explore the towns of Diósd and Érd very close to the capital, where some of these ancient stones can be found. The excursion was more interesting than I expected but not only for happy reasons...
Where the magic world of the stones and civilisation intersect...
On one hand, it was fascinating to discover beehive stones in the middle of civilisation. Between two streets in Diósd stretches a deep piece of woodland called the Roman Ravine (Római árok). As soon as Marius walked in there from the street, his tale went up and he ran off in exploration mode as in the wild. A small path led us ahead and towards a rock easy to spot that featured that small nook typical for the beehive stones. Yet another, on top of the hill, was not so easy to find and a third we missed altogether. We did, however, find the only beehive stone probably in the whole country that has become part of a man-made structure: It is now organically built into someone's fence. Another property on the same street allegedly has a small cave with a beehive at its entrance - but we could not see it as it was all walled in.
A kaptárköveket és -fülkéket nem csak a természetes erózió pusztítja el. Az emberi tudatlanság vagy felelőtlenség legalább olyan nagy veszély. Védelmükre már felhívta a figyelmet Kerékgyártó Árpád 1933-ban. A mai Lőcsei út melletti völgy szikláiban lévő 20-25 kaptárkő telepesek általi elpusztításáról írt, és a megmaradt egynek kért kegyelmet.