Talk: Hypnotherapy - Meeting of Mind and Body
or the End of a Paradigm War
(in Hungarian)
at the
I. Congress of the Hungarian Medical Association
May 6-8, 2016, Manchester Wythenshawe Hospital
In our present time, we are experiencing a strict division between official medical science and alternative medicine, often resulting in hostility rather than cooperation. The reason for this split is that both practices function from different paradigms: while leading medical science is based on the assumption that the basic building block of the universe is matter, alternative medicine acknowledges the fundamental existence of mind independent of matter. Since assumptions per definition cannot be proven, this is not a scientific debate, but a question of paradigm choice. According to Thomas Kuhn a paradigm choice is a socio-political question, which must be dealt with in terms of assessing each paradigm's usefulness. If our goal is to heal the physical body, the material paradigm has proven useful and brought forth unprecedented success. However, if our goal is holistic healing and understanding of consciousness, a purely materialistic world-view will soon reach its own logical boundaries and thus not prove useful. Here, only a new paradigm can allow us to continue with research into leading-edge topics, such as the role of consciousness in health and personal development. The mind is working according to its own laws, which we must be aware of, if we want to heal and not harm through our words, for instance. A deeper understanding of placebo will allow us not only to use the effect, but to increase it.
or the End of a Paradigm War
(in Hungarian)
at the
I. Congress of the Hungarian Medical Association
May 6-8, 2016, Manchester Wythenshawe Hospital
In our present time, we are experiencing a strict division between official medical science and alternative medicine, often resulting in hostility rather than cooperation. The reason for this split is that both practices function from different paradigms: while leading medical science is based on the assumption that the basic building block of the universe is matter, alternative medicine acknowledges the fundamental existence of mind independent of matter. Since assumptions per definition cannot be proven, this is not a scientific debate, but a question of paradigm choice. According to Thomas Kuhn a paradigm choice is a socio-political question, which must be dealt with in terms of assessing each paradigm's usefulness. If our goal is to heal the physical body, the material paradigm has proven useful and brought forth unprecedented success. However, if our goal is holistic healing and understanding of consciousness, a purely materialistic world-view will soon reach its own logical boundaries and thus not prove useful. Here, only a new paradigm can allow us to continue with research into leading-edge topics, such as the role of consciousness in health and personal development. The mind is working according to its own laws, which we must be aware of, if we want to heal and not harm through our words, for instance. A deeper understanding of placebo will allow us not only to use the effect, but to increase it.