
John Henry Fuseli: The Nightmare
Nightmares are terrifying images and stories occurring while we are asleep, all of which Western medicine knows not much about, perhaps only than we probably experience them during our sleep phase of Rapid Eye Movement (REM). That is, nightmares occur in the relatively lighter states of our sleep, when rapid eye movement and dreams are detectable. Science knows little about nightmares, as it knows little about dreams in general. Thus the question why we dream, especially why we experience nightmares, remains a mystery to science still.
But throughout the world, the knowledge about dreams is vast, even if it remains yet a bit hidden. In Tibet, an entire discipline of dream yoga is devoted to understanding how consciousness operates between the states of being awake and dreaming (including nightmares), as well as between being alive and dying. Shamans in indigenous cultures have explored those different states of mind which occur in dreams, nightmares and in trance states. Hypnotherapists began to utilise the similarities between dreaming states (in which nightmares occur) and hypnotic states. Even though newest research shows that hypnosis is not the same as sleep, in hypnosis similar brain wave patterns can be accessed. In other words, in hypnosis nightmares can be addressed on the same level of mind, from which these nightmares originate from. Hypnotherapy can therefore help you to free yourself from your nightmares.
It can further help you to experience lucid dreams, i.e. dreams in which you are aware of the fact that you are dreaming. A lucid dreamer can wake him- or herself up from a nightmare, or change the nightmare into a peaceful dream. Hypnotherapy can help you further to understand your nightmares, and learn from them, because nightmares often do contain a therapeutic message. That is a phenomenon we encounter regularly when dealing with the human psyche: Something scary like a nightmare, can become a useful resource for us, as soon as it is brought into consciousness.
One thing is certain: Experiencing and re-experiencing nightmares is not just an unpleasant, but rather unhealthy. Nightmares often arise from stress and cause further stress, but normally it only takes a few sessions in hypnotherapy to break the devil’s circle.
A good night’s sleep will simply follow.
For further questions, please contact us here.
But throughout the world, the knowledge about dreams is vast, even if it remains yet a bit hidden. In Tibet, an entire discipline of dream yoga is devoted to understanding how consciousness operates between the states of being awake and dreaming (including nightmares), as well as between being alive and dying. Shamans in indigenous cultures have explored those different states of mind which occur in dreams, nightmares and in trance states. Hypnotherapists began to utilise the similarities between dreaming states (in which nightmares occur) and hypnotic states. Even though newest research shows that hypnosis is not the same as sleep, in hypnosis similar brain wave patterns can be accessed. In other words, in hypnosis nightmares can be addressed on the same level of mind, from which these nightmares originate from. Hypnotherapy can therefore help you to free yourself from your nightmares.
It can further help you to experience lucid dreams, i.e. dreams in which you are aware of the fact that you are dreaming. A lucid dreamer can wake him- or herself up from a nightmare, or change the nightmare into a peaceful dream. Hypnotherapy can help you further to understand your nightmares, and learn from them, because nightmares often do contain a therapeutic message. That is a phenomenon we encounter regularly when dealing with the human psyche: Something scary like a nightmare, can become a useful resource for us, as soon as it is brought into consciousness.
One thing is certain: Experiencing and re-experiencing nightmares is not just an unpleasant, but rather unhealthy. Nightmares often arise from stress and cause further stress, but normally it only takes a few sessions in hypnotherapy to break the devil’s circle.
A good night’s sleep will simply follow.
For further questions, please contact us here.