PLACES... where 25 centuries ago...
Pasión, the student of art and the transcendental mysteries, roamed the Earth...
Melos Island
Pasión, a beautiful, sensitive soul, was raised on this colorful volcanic island where Nature taught him how to sculpt. His identity as an artist is threatened, however, when his island is conquered in 416 BC and Pasión is shipped to Athens as a slave. Is he doomed forever or will his soul, against all the odds, find a way to unfold his talent? |
The Temple of Hephaestos
In Athens, Pasión meets Laurin, the charismatic local nobleman, who is member of a perennial mystery school. Its members have access to the realms of dreaming and dying, while mere mortals struggle to grasp eternity. Pasión doesn't know that the Temple of Hephaestos will still be standing in 25 centuries, when a woman of the future goes on a mysterious quest to find - him! |
The Davelis Cave
‘These tunnels’ Laurin said, before he expected Pasión to enter them ‘are infused with magic. They reflect your mind and bring what is inside you to the outside. By the way, the entire world is like that, you just may not notice it always, because the reality humans are used to is pretty solid, frozen to ice by countless years of previous creation, habits of thought and collective reinforcement. In here, however, magic warms up reality, so it slowly becomes more liquid, more dream-like. That allows you to experience what truly is inside you...'
Laurin's Grove
The Penteli Mountains in Greece is a mystic region of some stark, often contradictory, and even eerie energies. This is where I found Laurin's Grove, hidden behind a wall of stones that was somehow fearsome to climb over. From here, in ancient time, Laurin could access magical, subterranean places that could take you outside of time. .. |
Flowers of Greece
"The flowers could utilise grains of sand and drops of dew to sustain their existence, thereby beating the odds against the greater elements. While the volcano, the wind, and the waves randomly created yet destroyed again what they had formed, the flowers brought forth petals in pleasing patterns to counteract the chaos. The flowers also grew seeds to catapult those patterns into the future, beyond any destruction which may come to them. Matter, as Pasión learned, will eventually destroy matter, but the consciousness of life eternally knows how to renew itself."
"The flowers could utilise grains of sand and drops of dew to sustain their existence, thereby beating the odds against the greater elements. While the volcano, the wind, and the waves randomly created yet destroyed again what they had formed, the flowers brought forth petals in pleasing patterns to counteract the chaos. The flowers also grew seeds to catapult those patterns into the future, beyond any destruction which may come to them. Matter, as Pasión learned, will eventually destroy matter, but the consciousness of life eternally knows how to renew itself."