Szomolya Beehives (kaptárkövek)
Szomolya (so-mo-ya) is the name of the village near which the largest concentration of these magical stones can be found. It was the villagers here who called them Beehives, going back to the old 'muggle' theory that these carvings in the rocks walls would serve as bee hives. This is obvious non-sense, as many of the alcoves are at places that are cold, dark, and hard to reach. Why would anyone keep bees there? However, the name remained and sounds even nice, like a cover up name for a deeper mystery.
This is also the most touristy of all these sites. Even though there aren't many visitors, unlike the other sites that are hard to find or reach and often overgrown, here you walk through a well-established path, complete with scaffolds, stairs, information boards. While the scaffolds make the walk easy, they sometimes obscure a more distant view of the rocks, which is a pity. |

This site was the very first I ever visited: last summer, with the Morrígan, an intriguing man of many dimensions I had an intense, yet brief, magical, yet dark encounter with. He told me a very interesting observation about the country. The land, he said, just like our psyche is covered in layers of permafrost. As our conditioning and potential traumatic experiences have hardened some layers of our souls that are now difficult to defrost and penetrate, so is the country like here in Hungary covered by layers of traumatic history. Below that, however, like below our personal pain and defences, there lays something beautiful. Our deep memory goes into a past in which magic was awake, like in childhood, where our dreams were valid and our thoughts were known to bring forth new worlds...
Here, at Szomolya I found some further spiritual clues about what these places were created for. As it happened, the night before I came here again, this time only with Marius, the guardian dog of my ancient site tours, I did a meditation with my soul friend Hayashi. In this meditation, we explored the workings of the 'assemledge point' - how our perception is fixed to take in and interpret reality in a certain way. (We are used to see what we are taught and expected to see, but certain situations or states of mind - psychedelics, rituals, movements, meditations - can allow us to shift into seeing a different reality, like peering behind a MAGIC EYE 3D image.) In such ways, aspects of reality become apparent that some people know about, yet others (who have never shifted their realites) consider non-existent (such as encounters with non-physical or elemental entities, extraterrestrials as well as other planes).
That in mind, I was walking around these mysterious rocks with the many alcoves (many more than at any other of the sites I've so far visited). At one point I climbed up a rock and where I found a comfortable seat, I began to stare at the alcoves. The effect was almost immediate! My vision field blurred, the size of the alcoves changed, figures became apparent within them, my mind went dizzy... I could not hold the altered perception for too long (some tourists even came like at no other place ever), but it became clear: These places have the power to shift your perception and field of energy. This is something to be explored further in the future.
That in mind, I was walking around these mysterious rocks with the many alcoves (many more than at any other of the sites I've so far visited). At one point I climbed up a rock and where I found a comfortable seat, I began to stare at the alcoves. The effect was almost immediate! My vision field blurred, the size of the alcoves changed, figures became apparent within them, my mind went dizzy... I could not hold the altered perception for too long (some tourists even came like at no other place ever), but it became clear: These places have the power to shift your perception and field of energy. This is something to be explored further in the future.
Another interesting observation came from other visitors I met a little later: The lady member of a seniour couple who were walking around and became friendly with Marius, remarked that all these alcoves were made into rocks that had a pointy peak. A conical shape with a pointed top, like that of a witch's hat, as you can see in these pictures below:
There is another shape, conical, pointing upwards. The Ziggurat, the ancient temple structure, like the Tower of Babel. It is designed to reach up towards the heavens. Maybe these ancient, unknown artifacts in these rocks served a similar purpose: To provide an energy that reaches into the higher realms. My travels in Greece come to my mind, when I did research for Twenty-Five Centuries Without You. Within the Davelis Cave, in the Penteli Mountains, similar alcoves were carved into the cave rocks. At night, when I meditated in the region, I became aware of a strange, somewhat eerie star energy that came to me with a specific message: 'This place is linked with others and together they form a network of energy that one day you are meant to explore...'
Maybe I'm doing more here than going on search for old stones... Rather, this is a special kind of archaeology... a digging not into historic facts, but into the truth of the psyche, that speaks to us in the archaic language of symbols, hopes, and dreams...
Maybe I'm doing more here than going on search for old stones... Rather, this is a special kind of archaeology... a digging not into historic facts, but into the truth of the psyche, that speaks to us in the archaic language of symbols, hopes, and dreams...